assessment process

In spring 2011, UNCG faculty participated in a planning workshop for the purpose of developing a plan to assess the General Education Program. Criteria included that the plan be systematic (i.e., all stakeholders know what is expected), manageable and sustainable, engage broader faculty, and yield results that can be acted on to improve student learning in the General Education Program. This process was reaffirmed by the General Education Council in 2021.

The faculty-developed process includes two parts:

  • Part 1: Course instructor assessment, where instructors apply a Council-approved rubric to all students’ work in response to an assignment that is aligned with a General Education-specific student learning outcome.
  • Part 2: Peer-review assessment, where peer faculty apply the same rubric to a sample of students’ work from Part 1.

Results from part 1 and part 2 are then collected, aggregated, and presented to the University in forums to gather feedback on the General Education program assessment process and to develop recommendations to improve student learning in UNCG’s General Education program. See Results below.

assessment results

See below for results from the assessment of the General Education program going back to Spring 2012. Note that assessment of UNCG’s former General Education program (GEC) ceased in 2018 as the University transitioned to create and implement its active General Education program, Minerva’s Academic Curriculum (MAC).

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